


This is the third blogger account I have to make, first I lost my email and could never open mery928 anymore. That account had a lot of things: homeworks, lyrics, anime, etc. A diverse blog, divided in each of its topics. Then, I had to open Mery's Blog. That one had an asian focus; nevertheless, It had a little bit of everyday topics: recommendations, art, etc. Just some months after my last entry on that blog I made a google account and that messed things up. Couldn't sign in. I think I have to blame my bad memory of e-mails mixed up with Google owning pages like Yahoo, YouTube and Blogger.

Now, here I am, with my third account. They say third time lucky, and I hope it's true. Because third it's my last time in Blogger. If it does not work I am so going to wordpress.

I intend to keep this blog's concept like the second blog: things I like, but mostly fashion.

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